
Hosokawa Powder Technology Foundation
Foundation name Hosokawa Powder Technology Foundation
Approved for establishment December 20, 1991
Ministry concerned Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
Foundation capitalization ¥1.3 billion

Income from the investment of the Foundation's capital is utilized to support foundation activities.


Grant and Award Activities:

KONA Award : Award for outstanding achievements in powder and particle science and technology.
Research Grant : Grant for fundamental research in powder and particle science and technology.
Hosokawa Encouragement Award : Award to encourage excellent younger researchers in the field of powder and particle science and technology.

Graduate Research Funding

: Grant for promising graduate students studying powder and particle science and technology.
Conference Grant : Grant for organizing international conferences and symposiums focused on powder and particle science and technology.
Support for publication : Support for the publication of research results in powder and particle science and technology.

Other activities

Organizing symposium : Organizing an annual symposium on powder and particle science and technology, once every other year in Tokyo and Osaka alternately. The number of participants is approx. 200.
Additionally, the international symposiums are held outside Japan occasionally as a special event.
Publishing KONA Powder and Particle Journal : Publishing an international scholarly journal annually in English covering powder and particle science and technology (approx. 1,000 copies, 300 pages). The printed version is distributed free of charge to researchers, libraries and other parties related to powder technology worldwide.
The electronic versions are available on the Foundation's website along with other data platforms.

Circumference Map

Location 1-9, Shodai Tajika, Hirakata-shi, Osaka 573-1132, Japan (In the headquarters of Hosokawa Micron Corporation)


+81 (72) 867-1686


+81 (72) 867-1658